Xyleborini North of Mexico
The fungus-farming Ambrosia beetles of the tribe Xyleborini are becoming very important pests of forest and tree nurseries around the globe. Their very broad host range and their essentially clonal reproduction makes Xyleborini superbly adapted to today's world connected by human traffic. In the US alone, less than half of the 55 species of Xyleborini are native, and most of the exotic ones arrived less than 50 years ago.
Because of the growing numbers of Xyleborini species in North America, and because of recent changes in their taxonomic classification, an updated list is needed. Here we present all Xyleborini species known to occur in the US and Canada as of 2019. This is a product of collaboration between the University of Florida, US Forest Service, the Florida Forest Service, and the USDA APHIS. Specimens were provided by Dr. R. Rabaglia, the Arthropod Research Collection at Michigan State University, and the Smithsonian Institution. Please direct all questions and suggestions for improvement to Jiri Hulcr.
Cnestus mutilatus and Xylosandrus curtulus: the largest and the smallest of North American Xyleborini