School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida
Research Summary
I am currently a Doctoral student in the Lab. My background is the microbial diversity in special habitats and the evolutionary ecology of insects. My research projects will focus on the wood-boring beetles and their symbiotic fungi.
Short Bio & Education
- 2021-current: Doctoral student, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, USA.
- 2017-2020: M.S. in Ecology, Coevolution Group, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
- 2013-2017: B.S. in Biotechnology, College of Life Science, Guizhou Normal University, China.
- Jun Yang, Yiyi Dong, Qingshan Wu, Zheng Fang, Xiaojuan Niu, Yuqian Wang, Qingbei Weng. Culturable bacteria diversity of stalactite sediment in Zhijin cave. 48(5): 1514-1527 (2021).
- Yiyi Dong, Jie Gao, Qingshan Wu, Yilang Ai, Yu Huang, Wenzhang Wei, Shiyu Sun, Qingbei Weng. Co-occurrence pattern and function prediction of bacterial community in Karst cave. BMC Microbiology. 20:137 (2020).
- Yiyi Dong, Yanqiong Peng, Bo Wang. Seasonal dynamics of fig wasp community and interaction networks in Ficus benjamina. Biodiversity Science. 28(4):496-503 (2020).
- Jian Wang, Yiyi Dong, Libin Ma, Bo Pan, Fangzhou Ma, Hui Ding, Yaping Hu, Yanqiong Peng, Bo Wang. Spatial variation in the organization of an ant-tree network in Xishuangbanna conserved areas. Biodiversity Science. 28 (6): 695-706 (2020)
- Khin Me Me Aung, Yiyi Dong, Bo Wang, Yanqiong Peng. Geographic variation of fig wasp community in Ficus racemosa between Xishuangbanna of China and Mandalay of Myanmar. WU Yi science Journal. 36(1):1-12 (2020).
- Yiyi Dong, Yilang Ai, Yu Huang, Wenzhang Wei, Shiyu Sun, Xiaojuan Niu, Chuanbo Zhang, Zhongfa Zhou, Qingbei Weng. The effects of human activities on the culturable bacteria diversity of the waters in Zhijindong cave. Journal of Guizhou Normal University (Natural Sciences). 35(4): 64-76 (2017).