School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida
Short Bio:
As of May 2023, I am the current Lab Manager for the Forest Entomology Lab.
I grew up and was homeschooled in Nebraska, but moved to Melbourne, Florida when I was 11. When I was 17, I got my first job as a Zipline Tour Guide at the Brevard Zoo, and have been interested in outdoor recreation ever since. I studied it during my undergrad, and completed an independent study on local recreation trends and preferences in Alachua and surrounding counties to complete my degree.
I graduated from UF in the Summer of 2022, and began working for SFFGS soon after. A couple of good connections led me to Jiri Hulcr's lab, and I now get to work for the department that I studied in!
Prior to entering the Forest Entomology lab, I did not have any entomology experience. But I have gathered a wide range of interest in topics like forestry, outdoor recreation, sustainable building and design, social science, videography, artificial intelligence, etc. And I feel right at home in a lab full of people with similarly diverse interests.
During my time as lab manager, I am hoping to complete my graduate degree with the Employee Education Program. In the meantime, I am still trying to decide on a topic of study!
Education & University Experience:
May 2023 - Present: UF Forest Entomology Lab Manger, School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida, USA
November 2022 - Present: Project Manager for Joel E. Smith Trail Revitalization Project
July 2022 - August 2023: Project Manager / Coordinator for Integrated Natural Resource Building Project
2018 - 2022: B.S. in Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida Concentration in Recreation Resources Management