Hi Brian,
Could you make 1 L of PDA hard, and 150 culture slants each with 1mL of PDA hard?
Hi Brian,
Could you make 1 L of PDA hard, and 150 culture slants each with 1mL of PDA hard?
Hi Brian,
Could you please fill one rack of 1.5ml tubes with water and sterilized them. Thanks
Here’s an updated list in order of priority:
1. Make more TAE (see a below post by Caroline for instructions)
2. Make 1L of PDA quarter strength
3. Consolidate pipette boxes (see post immediately below)
4. Autoclave beaker full of blue pestles (30 min)
5. Add remaining yellow caps to tubes
6. Vials for -80 freezer (see a below post from Caoline)
7, Adding cryotubes to database
Hi Brian,
Here are some things that need to be done:
Autoclave beaker full of blue pestels
Add remaining yellow caps to tubes
See below posts for:
Photographing plates for Martin.
Aliquoting different PBS amounts for Caroline and Craig
Vials for -80 freezer
Adding cryotubes to database
Hi Brian,
Could you aliquot .5 mL PBS into at least 60 tubes? This will differ from a post a few days ago asking for 1mL (those are for Caroline), but both need to be done. Thanks!
There is a package(s) that needs to be picked up if you’re in today (Monday) from the main office. Might need a cart for it.
Hi Brian,
When you’re able could you:
1. make 2 L of PDA hard
2. put away and wash dishes
3. aliquot 1mL PBS to at least 30 microtubes
3. add vials to DB
4. autoclave old plates
Hi Brian,
This is not urgent, but sometime in the near future…
The box in the lab freezer labeled “Ready for -80” has both new vials that do not have a box in the -80C basement freezer and old vials that need to get put back in their correct boxes.
Also for any new vials (4000’s and up) could you please leave space in the boxes for any missing vial numbers. For example if you have 4011,2013, & 4014 please leave a space between 4011 and 4013.
Feel free to ask me questions.
Thanks, Caroline
Brian could you take pictures of all my plates – approximately 30. Thanks
Also could you make 6Liters of 1x TAE to refill the 2 Gallon plastic carboy sitting on the left corner of the sink please?
To make:
Measure out 6L of DI water (from other sink tap, let tap run a few seconds first) into the carboy 1L at a time using the 1L graduated cylinder.
Then measure out 120 mL of 50X TAE buffer (on the shelf with chemicals) using a 100mL graduated cylinder and add to carboy.
Mix the contents of the carboy as best as you can via swirling
(c) 2013 Ambrosia Symbiosis Lab Protocols