Please let me know if you got an email…
Lab meeting schedule for Spring 2014
Could you work with everyone to find good day and time for lab meetings in the Spring?
I simpy used a google spreadsheet, and asked people to write themselves in:
insecticide list
Whenever you have a breathing moment, please let’s restart the list of currently registered treatments for forest pests. Not urgent, but it cannot fall through the cracks. You mentioned you already have some written down, right?
Priority level: 3 (out of 3)
beetles to Indonesia
Adam, There is another small box of beetles on my desk that should be sent to a collaborator. Again, please, use USPS with a tracking option.
Hagus Tarno
Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Agricultural Faculty
University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran Malang
Jawa Timur (East Java) INDONESIA 65145
Phone: +62-341-575843
Ship traps
As per our yesterday’s conversation, please ship 12 traps to TREC in Homestead.
Before you pack them, please take note on how many are old and how many seem a little bit newer. We will ask for those back in the Spring.
Beetles to Nicaragua
Adam, another shipment please. The box is on my desk, the address is:
Universidad Nacional Agraria
Departamento de Protección Agrícola y Forestal
Kilometro 12½ carretera norte, Managua, Nicaragua
Apartado postal: 453
Destinatario: Arnulfo Monzón Centeno
Teléfono: 505 2263 2609
Thank you!
Beetles to Taiwan
When you get to it, please send PINNED specimens of the following species:
Dendroctonus frontalis
Dendroctonus terebrans
Myoplatypus flavicornis
Ips grandicollis
Euwallacea interjectus
Xyleborus glabratus
Xyleborinus saxesenii
Gnathotrichus materiarius
Anisandrus sayi
to this person:
No.32, Xihu Rd., Dali Dist., Taichung City 412, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tsau-Hu Elementary School
You can see if there are long series of those in the pinned collection. If not (most likely) pull out some from our freezer (vials with many of them from the same location) and pin them. Ideally, use samples from Alligator River, NC, since they are not good for DNA analysis. I can show you how to locate stuff like that in the database. Thank you! This is for a colleague in Taiwan who has been sending us study material from there.
Xyleborus horridus
Also please extract DNA from muscles of Xyleborus horridus from Honduras (Caroline’s stuff).
Samples from Italy
We received about 30 beetle samples from a collaborator in Italy, they are in a box in the lab freezer. Some of them are very important, please stop by and I will explain. I would like you to do two things with them:
1) Incorporate them into our database and our -80 freezer: record the samples into the database (see spreadsheet in an email), put new labels in, write our vial numbers on the tubes (side and top), and put them in the freezer.
2) Choose ONE well-preserved specimen of Xyleborus eurygraphus from one of three vials that contain it and extract DNA from it. Use either the Qiagen protocol for tissues or the new OmniPrep (should be slightly better). The extract will then be amplified with three primer pairs that you get from Caroline, for a phylogenetic study that she is doing. Before you do that, I will show you how to record a DNA extraction event and a PCR event into the database.
Here is a summary of what we talked about, plus a few more things that i need your help with:
– list of most common tree/forest pests in FL and insecticides approved for them
– get a black twig borer ASAP and isolate fungi from it for Polly’s experiment
New things:
– please pull together a small collection of beetles for an extension event: Xyleborus glabratus, Xylosandrus crassiusculus, Dendroctonus frontalis, Dendroctonus terebrans. Make LAAARGE labels for them (in plain English), put them in a specimen mailing box, and ship them to:
Gabrielle Milch
UF-IFAS Extension at Seminole County
250 W. County Home Rd.
Sanford, FL 32773-6197
– please mail the framed beetle collection in my student’s office to:
Greg Dunn
Florida Forest Service
3125 Agriculture Center Drive
St. Augustine, Florida 32092
…please pack it carefully, it’s glass…