Could you also please address these three things?
– Adam Black (button “Adam”) is not getting notified when I post something. Could you please update that? His email is
– Polly is no longer with us, was replaced with Amanda, her email is an**********@uf*.edu .
– just to make sure that it’s all working, could you please check that all people that have buttons are set up to receive notifications? Thank you!!!!
– The Bark Beetle Academy website continues to impress people and attract attendees. I am super happy with it, thank you! It is unfortunately not fully compatible with Internet Explorer. Some version of IE don’t open up the tabs. Most federal employees have only IE at work, so consequently, I am getting a lot of confused questions. Can we make the site IE-proof? Thank you!
-Would you be able to stick an inconspicuous IFAS logo on the Backyard Bark Beetles website somewhere? Just so that it is recognized as official by IFAS, but not ugly….