Martin Kostovcik
School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of FloridaContact office phone: ph: 352-846-0875Research Summary
I'm interested in population genetics, phylogeny, and finally coalescing discipline of phylogeography of fungi living in association with subcortical insect, mainly the genus Geosmithia. This include population processes that could have caused ecological shifts of studied fungus and other evolutionary adaptations. I'm also participating in projects concerning bacterial diversity in human gut, particularly doing bioinformatics analysis.My upcoming projects will cover studying fungal and bacterial communities of ambrosial fungi and what is their role in this fascinating symbiosis.Current projects
1. Optimazing primers and protocols for high-througput sequencing of amborosial communities.Short Bio & Education
- 2013-present: School of Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, postdoc associate.
- 2006-present: Faculty of Sciences, Dept. of Genetics and microbiology, Charles University in Prague
- 2002-present: Lab. of Fungal genetics and metabolism, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, with Sylvie Payoutova and Miroslav Kolarik, Ph.D awaiting.
- 2000-2006: M.S. in Biology, major in Molecular biology and genetics, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, with Sylvie Pazoutova.
Tomšovský, M., V. Tomešová, D. Palovčíková, M. Kostovčík, M. Rohrer, P. Hanáček and L. Jankovský (2013). “The gene flow and mode of reproduction of Dothistroma septosporum in the Czech Republic.” Plant Pathology 62(1): 59-68.
Veselská, T. K., Martin; Kolařík, Miroslav (2012). “Evolutionary ecology of genus Geosmithia, genome size and its evolutionary significance.” In prep.
Martina Hujslová, A. K., Martin Kostovčík, Robert A. Blanchettte, Milada Chudíčková, Miroslav Kolařík (2012). “The four new fungal genera from highly acidic soils in the Czech Republic.” in prep.
Kostovčík, M. K., Miroslav; Pažoutová, Sylvie (2012). “Population analysis of Geosmithia lavendula in mediterranean area, prevalent associate of subcortical insect inhabiting Fig trees.” In prep.
Kostovčík, M. K., Miroslav; Pažoutová, Sylvie (2012). “Population study of Geosmithia rubra, widespread fungi associated with subcortical insect living in temperate Europe.” In prep.
Kostovčík, M. K., Miroslav; Pažoutová, Sylvie (2012). “Phylogeography of red-spored Geosmithia spp., fungi associated with sub-cortical Insects.” In prep.
Klara Klimesova, M. K., Zuzana Zakostelska,, T. H. Tomas Hudcovic, Renata Stepankova,, J. R. Pavel Rossmann, Martin Kostovcik,, J. K. Jakub Mrazek, Koichi S. Kobayashi, and H. T. Hogenova (2012). “Altered gut microbiota promotes colitis-associated cancer in IL-1 receptor-associated kinase M deficient mice.” Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
Hujslová M., K. A., Kostovčík M., Chudíčková M. et Kolařík M. (2012). “Acidiella bohemica gen. et sp. nov. and Acidomyces spp. (Teratosphaeriaceae), the indigenous inhabitants of extremely acidic soils in Europe.” Fungal Diversity.
Kolařík, M., M. Kostovčík and S. Pažoutová (2007). “Host range and diversity of the genus Geosmithia (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) living in association with bark beetles in the Mediterranean area.” Mycological Research 111(11): 1298-1310.